Course Structure

A course is the basic component of an academic programme.  It is identified by a course name (i.e., Instructional processes).

The duration of one semester is 100 days for teaching-learning process and four hundred days including all the four semesters exclusive of the period of admission and semester-end-examinations.

The B.Ed. Programme mainly consists of the following courses:

(a) Perspective in Education

(b) Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies

Course Structure

                                         Perspectives in Education should include courses in the study of childhood, child development and adolescence, contemporary India and education, philosophical and sociological perspectives in education, theoretical foundations of knowledge and curriculum, teaching and learning, gender in the context of school and society, and inclusive education.  The course in childhood studies shall enable student teachers to engage with studies on Indian society and education, acquire conceptual tools of sociological analysis and hands-on experience of engaging with diverse communities, children and schools.  The course on ‘Contemporary India and Education’ shall develop a conceptual understanding about issues of diversity, inequality and marginalization in Indian society and the implications for education, with analyses of significant policy debates in Indian, education.  The course on knowledge and curriculum will address the theoretical foundations of school knowledge from historical, philosophical and sociological perspectives, with critical of curricular aims and context, and the relationship between curriculum, policy and learning.  The course on ‘teaching and learning’ will focus on aspects of social and emotional development;  cell and identity, and cognition and learning.

Course Structure

                     Courses in Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies shall include aspects of Language across the curriculum and communication, understanding of a discipline, social history of a school subject, and its pedagogical foundations, with a focus on the learner, and a course on the theoretical perspectives on assessment for learning.  Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies courses shall offer a study of the nature of a particular discipline, critical understanding of the school curriculum, pedagogy as the integration of knowledge about the learner, the discipline and the societal context of learning, and research relating to different aspects of young children’s learning.  The design of the programme would enable students to specialize in one disciplinary area, viz., Social Science, Science, Mathematics, Languages and a subject area from the same discipline, at one/two two levels of school.  The courses shall aim to develop in students an understanding of the curriculum, linking school knowledge with community life.  A variety of investigative projects shall be included to reconstruct concepts from subject knowledge through appropriate pedagogic processes and to communicate meaningfully with children.

Engagement with the Field/Practicum

The B.Ed, programme shall provide for sustained engagement with the Self, the Child, Community ad School, at different levels and through establishing close connections between different curricular areas.  The curricular area would serve as an important link between the above two broad curricular areas through its three components.

  1.  Tasks and Assignments that run through all the courses.
  2. School intership
  3. Courses on Enhancing Professional Capacities.